Saturday, 23 June 2012


Outside it's dry but wild with strong winds. I'm tempted to go for a walk along the sea-front but I'm working on a commission so I plan to go the studio for a few hours instead. Then it's back later for the football and the Spain and France game. Tomorrow is the big one when England play Italy.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Rain, rain and more rain.

Yesterday was hot and sunny; today the rain came back. I walked through Cardiff with the rain pouring down feeling incredibly happy. In the studio the canvas on the easel is full of colour. Images of the South of France fill my head, all stored away for such a day as today.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Back to work

I seem to have had a long break but it's gone pretty fast. A spell in London and then a holiday in Germany. In London I met up with my brother for lunch and we had a look at the galleries in Cork Street. I discovered the work of Anthony Fry which I loved. One gallery was showing Lynn Chadwick - his most beautifully crafted and elegant sculptures; I would love to own one.
Now it's time to get back to the studio to do some work. Tomorrow the forecast is rain so I won't be tempted into the garden to potter. Tomorrow - work. That's sorted!