Wednesday, 27 April 2011


I took my camera when I went walking by the sea yesterday evening but the landscape remained unchanged from the images I took in February. It was still predominately grey and it wasn't until I spotted the blossom that I could be reminded that this was indeed Spring.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Capturing Spring

I am trying to capture the landscape of Spring on canvas. I started yesterday and will work on it today. I took a look at the painting on the easel this morning and I'm happy with the way it's going. It's essential that I keep the image fresh and delicate and with that in mind I know the next stage of work will be challenging.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Next Show.

The Albany Gallery rang to confirm the dates of my show next year. I have 12 months to put together a collection of new paintings. I have a lot of ideas!

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Early paintings

View from the terrace. Oil on canvas

Village houses, Montcuq. Oil on canvas

Boulevard de la République. Oil on canvas

I look back on paintings as others may browse photographs. I can recall the time, my emotions and the inspiration which prompted each one.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Summer weather.

Summer in the South. Oil on canvas.

It's summer weather but driving down the M4 a few days ago the trees told a different story. The Spring landscape looks dainty and fresh and a contrast to the flaming colours along the motorways in France when I came back in November. It was a delight to see the blossom on the trees and the swathes of light, bright green of the new leaves. The images were beautiful and are still with me. I think it will be the basis of the next painting.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Not working today.

Today I'm making dinner of roast beef and yorkshire pudding for a good friend who's about to leave Britain for life in France. Over the years we've shared a love of all things french. Several summers she came to stay in Montcuq and we drove around the area looking at villages where she might want to settle. Now she has her house and it lies just 2 hours drive away from me, on my route back to Britain.